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I’m publishing an ebook! + Giveaway

OMG guys, I have some *Big News* for you all… I am currently working on my first ebook!!!! I’ve been working on it for the last couple of weeks, and it is not close to being done yet at all, but I couldn’t keep this secret in any longer. If you’re a subscriber to my newsletter, you already knew about my big news, but of course I wanted to let everyone know! (not a subscriber yet? Click this link to go to the signup page.)

I’ve always wanted to publish a book, either a cookbook or a novel (or both!), but since it is quite hard to find a publisher that wants to take you on and such, I decided to take matters into my own hands and publish an ebook myself instead! In this blog post you can find photo’s of some of the recipes you will find in this ebook. Can you guess what the theme is going to be? Let me know in the comments below and if you are the first one to guess right, you will receive a free copy when it’s finished!

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